Gang Rape Fallout
It is a week since this horrible event occurred at Delhi but the government continues to be in denial. It took the PM six full days to give his reaction which was, " we shall take it up in the next cabinet meeting". The apathy and insensitivity of the government that supposedly works for the Aam Admi or the common man is monumental. Today the Delhi police are telling the student protesters to vacate the 'high security zone' around the India Gate and go elsewhere. How stupid can they be. Imagine telling the students who are demanding security for the Aam Admi to vacate the so called high security zone!! The fact is the government is arrogant as the Home Secretary, RK Singh, I&B Minister Manish Tiwari and Home Minister Sushil Shinde demonstrated during the much delayed press conference on Saturday at 8 PM. Not surprisingly, the GoI has once again shown its mindset by announcing a Commission of Inquiry the findings of which are usually consigned to the dustbins of history because nothing ever comes out and no executive is ever punished. In a country where the Late Lal Bahadur Shastry resigned for a railway accident, this indifference is indeed amazing or perhaps not. All through the protests against corruption the GoI has behaved exactly the same way. One thing that stands out is the absence of any steps to 'prevent' the recurrence of such heinous crimes against women.
Despite Aamir Khan highlighting the plight of the girl child on his Satyamewa Jayate series of exposes the GoI has failed to punish the culprits, doctors or to bring a strong legislation clearly confirming their negligent and arrogant attitude. The Haryana and UP Governments have done precious little to curb honour killings and punish the guilty.
No political party shows any urgency to remove criminals from politics. A newly elected Congress MP in Himachal Pradesh is reportedly absconding after rape charges were filed against him and in all probability will soon be seen in the state legislature.
There is no fear of law. When was the last time you saw a senior police officer, IAS officer, corporater or MLA/MP on the road or in a bus? The government has clearly abdicated its responsibility to maintain law and order by constantly declaring that it is a state subject. The fact, however, is that the ruling classes are protecting their vote banks which are not restricted only to casts and religious communities but also include Goons and local Goondas and Dons who help the politicians to garner votes, distribute largesse and seek and collect rent or bribes. Lawlessness is essential to remain in power. How can we expect the government to punish those who actively support their very existence?
While it is claimed that 30% of Delhi Police is busy providing VIP security there is really no shortage of police forces. Police reforms to free them from political interference might help a lot but it cannot change everything. The strength of Delhi Police is 83,300 which is staggering and is roughly equal to five infantry divisions or 16 to 20 brigades. Just imagine what such a force will do if deployed in Delhi. Incidentally, the whole of North-East is defended by five divisions. Food for thought!!
Government better wake up or these issues will soon become the rallying point for the next election.
If only the PM had made a statement on national media within twenty four hours of the incident, the people would have been assured of GoI's intentions. Now it is too little too late.