Yesterday, that is on 19th Jan, I heard a very interesting lecture on BBC World by J Craig Venter in the Richard Dimbleby series. It was not only thought provoking but also very informative and inspiring. The Doctor, the founder of J Craig Venter Institute that has been doing great work in the area of human genome mapping, said that the current century will be the DNA century and scientists are close to further developing ways of using microbes and synthetic genes to produce bio fuels that will go a long way in meeting the challenges of global warming and environmental concerns. Some may, however, baulk at the idea of using synthetic genes and artificially created microbes for mitigating problems created by us human beings.
Dr. Venter also emphasised prevention rather than cure. He said the scientist must find new ways to use science to prevent disease and other problems than spending huge amounts og money on healthcare. How would the world cope with the estimated 9.5 billion people in the next fifty years?
A lecture well worth watchng. Any views?
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