Friday, 5 September 2008

Conflict Resolution

Of late, there has been much anger amongst the minorities in India. There also appears to be a concerted effort to instigate this or that community to raise non-existent issues so that the overall intrnal security environment is spoilt.
Why cannot the UPA or for that matter any other government simply appoint proportionate numbers of ministers from the minority communities, say 15 Muslims, three Christians, and two Sikhs over and above those that may already be in the government? The new ministers will be equally efficient, honest, knowledgeable, ignorent, corrupt and patriotic but they will give their respective communities the feeling that some of their representatives are indeed part of the government and working for alleviating their conditions. This in my opinion will be one simple, inexpensive and easy way to win their hearts and minds and reduce avoidable conflict. Merely changing the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghatan logo from the Hindu (?) lotus to include a Cross and Crescent will not appease anyone but in fact infuriate even the normally peace loving and quiet Hindu. Woth a try isnt it? Worst that can happen is some more taxpayers' money down the drain but that is a small price to pay for peace!!!

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