Sunday, 14 December 2008

What Now?

There is much anger and talk of action against Pakistan. At the sametime our leadership is trying to tell the world that India is not planning any military action against Pakistan. What then can we do?
First: Shut the gates. I know that people-to-people contacts are good but this is not the time for such confidence building measures. India cannot afford to allow even a single criminal or terrorist or their sympathisers to slip into Indian teritory through the bus or train route. Every intelligence and police agency knows that it is impossible to ensure 100 per cent success in surveillance. So the answer is to simply suspend the contact for a while. Also increase surveillance on the land, sea and air space so that the terrorists cannot intrude or infiltrate by cutting the border fence while the Pakistani Rangers provide them covering fire from their post right across the border and violate the cease-fire as they have done 33times this year.
Second: If the US, UK and other Western powers really wish to assist India thay must first weaken and isolate the Pakistani Army and the ISI. To do this, these powers must immediately suspend their military assistance and contact with the Paksitani Army. Do not give them the promised 18 F-16 fighters and spares for the other 34 that theyalready have. Do not give them the surveillance planes that Sweden'sSaab Ericson is selling them. Pressurise China to at least temporarily suspend military aid to Pakistan. Instead of giving Pakistan billions of dollars in economic aid give them food and grain like India received under the PL-480 programme but not cash because the ISI will use such financial assistance to train more jehadi terrorists.
Third: India must tell all its friends that unless thay bring tangible eeconomic, political and diplomatic pressure on Paksitan by literally ostracizing it from the international community India will have to reconsider its ties with them. Also tell Bangladesh that unless it pays heed to India's repeated requests to close terrorist and separatist camps in that country India would be compelled to close down normal trade which would mean that Bangladesh will not even get protein and other food supplies from India and its access to Nepal would be severely restricted.
Fourth: China does not have diplomatic contact with any country unless that country first accepts Taiwan as an integral part of China. It is time India told the world that unless they deal sternly with Pakistan India's support to them cannot be taken for granted. Countries likeDubai and Saudi Arabia where many dangerous criminals enjoy sanctuary must also be told that if they do not desist from playing this double game India will have to recall all its workers even if it means a major loss in foreign remittances. Surely, a resurgent India that can waive off huge farmer loans can absorb such losses and all middle class Indians would be ready to make such sacrifices if they see that the governments and politicians lead by example.
Fifth: India is going through a serious economic crisis so it can put on hold all the huge military hardware that it had planned to import. Such a suspension will, I am sure, jolt these powers out of their comlacency and force them to take India's requests seriously.
Finally, India needs to unequivocally tell the world that this time it is not business as usual. India will take concerted action wherever needed. Even if half of these steps are taken immediately, thePakistan Army will feel isolated and feel the heat of international, and especially US opprobrium without whose support it cannot sustain its bravado. India can support the international war on terrorism even without being contiguous to Afghanistan.We cannot expect the world to take notice if we do not demonstrate our resolve.

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