Saturday, 10 September 2011

Sir, Please dont insult our intelligence

The government and its agencies continue to be completely clueless about the likely perpetrators of the Delhi High Court bomb blast. It is clear that terrorists are becoming more and more emboldened with every strike that goes unpunished or unsolved.

We are told the investigative agencies are working round the clock. If only those charged with preventing terror had worked round the clock, the attack would not have taken place in the first place. We need to send some police officers and ministers to the UK and the US to learn how both have managed to keep their respective countries terror free over some five/ten years.

Unless those in authority lose sleep over this problem, terrorism will not be stopped.

We are masters at closing the barn doors after the horses have bolted.

Strangely, all those waxing eloquent against the civil society during the recent JLPB agitation are strangely tongue tied. Not a whimper, no condemnation, no ideas, no advice, no sloganeering, no pledges!!! Sad Sad Sad no?

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