Monday, 22 August 2011

Do'nt Waste Time

We Indians are known for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. We are always late in taking decisions. Our government seems to have now woken up but the pace and scope of conversations with Team Anna to resolve the impasse are too slow and tentative.

What young Chetan Bhagat said was really cool. The youth of India thinks, 'Its cool to be honest'. What a great and inspiring thing to hear. We oldies who thought it was not cool to be honest are suddenly in fashion.

The usual suspects have again shown their true colors. The Shahi Imam of Delhi has told Muslims to stay away from the movement. Not many will listen to him this time.

Some have spoken of their reservations. They are suddenly shedding tears for our democracy and worse law makers. Oh yes, that reminds me the great FM, the trouble shooter for all seasons has said, "The civil society people are behaving like legislators!!!" What a faux pas. Is he paying a compliment to Team Anna or criticizing his own kind?

Nanadan Nilekani who had little or no contact with any government functionaries until he was made in charge of the UID project a little over a year ago, says he finds politicians are good, smart and wise. See how quickly association changes our thinking. "Sangat' as our parents told us continues to be important.

Lord Meghnad Desai's suggestion that like the British parliamentarians, our MPs should sit nonstop for 60 hrs and debate the bills and pass the law is great but would anyone listen to him?

Some known and highly respected individuals have also disappointed us. They say they are against corruption but do not like Anna 'blackmailing' the government. Fast unto death to them has suddenly become blackmail. We now know whom to trust and who will stand by us, the people, when the chips are down.

Fali Nariman, that doyen of our judiciary was great when he reminded us that the Constitution begins with, 'We the people' so whats wrong in people telling the lawmakers that they are extremely unhappy. Is participative democracy such a bad thing?

The young Arvind Kejariwal asked the most pertinent question. "Has any MP or MLA ever bothered to ask anyone what he or she wanted or expected of the MP or the government?" Has the government ever made a policy in consultation with the people? Rotting grain, crumbling infrastructure, potholed roads, scam ridden schemes like NREGA and JNNRUM Rural Health etc. clearly prove how every law, scheme or legislation is designed to make rent seeking easier. Peaceful protests outside MP's houses is a great idea.

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